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TitleDo not treat the inside of the nose even for rhinitis. The principal offender is the immune system of the intestinal tract. Just make a change to treat the intestinal tract: Lactobacillus Plantarum K-2018-11-16 23:48
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A number of medicinal, pharmaceutical and bioscience research studies have developed therapies and tried to find diverse kinds of therapeutic measures. However, no therapies could definitively treat rhinitis. But this rhinitis can be quickly treated.


Do not change the intestinal tract but just change. It’s the innovation using the concept of cell science and bioscience through a series of continuing research projects. Rhinitis is more easily treated than a cold. The fundamental cause of allergy, atopy or rhinitis is that the immune system of the intestinal tract is distorted, not the skin or inside the skin.


Allergy is defined as conventional Th2 type inflammatory disease. This is because the Th2 immune response plays an important role in stimulating allergies.

Allergens, the antigen, flow into the body through the nasal cavity, skin or intestinal tract and the antigen-presenting cell in the skin is recognized, to which the body then reacts.

At this point, the allergen specifically prompts Th2 type immune response and the cytokine of the Th2 type is expressed, accelerating the secretion of histamine and production of IgE.

The IgE antibody is the immune globulin engaged in the occurrence of allergic diseases. The LgE antibody is measured in the case of seborrheic dermatitis, allergic diseases, atopy, asthma or rhinitis.

→ The IgA antibody is required in the body for reducing IgE antibodies (for treating allergies).


For treating allergic dermatitis and rhinitis, Lactobacillus Plantarum K-1(LK-1) from Kimchi, the bacteria flora, is very effective to induce the IgA antibody.        


When the immune system of the intestinal tract is regulated, allergic diseases including rhinitis, itching and hypersensitive activity including allergic diseases will be treated at once.

(Features showing the treatment of allergic dermatitis having the same cause as rhinitis as the immune system of intestinal tract)

Our body comprises a massive bacteria forest. While we are alive, bacteria ceaselessly fight to expand their power.

The bacterial flora keeps changing and can’t help being destroyed.


We always have to compete against others from right when we wake up. We are always surrounded by stress, fatigue and overwork and the conditions of the intestines can’t help being sensitive to this. The proliferation of harmful bacteria reduces autoimmune antibodies and we are exposed to allergic diseases.


In this civilized age, we suffer from allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is the hypersensitive reaction of nasal mucosa against a specific substance. It’s an allergic disease characterized by continuing sneeze, running clear nose (watery rhinorrhea) and nasal stuffiness (rhinanchone). When our intestines are healthy, allergic rhinitis is resolved.


The stomach is known as the digestive system. It is a very important digestive organ because it is the immune system as well as the second brain. A variety of bacteria enter the stomach while digesting various kinds of food. In that process, immune activity is dynamically implemented.

When the immune system is regulated, rhinitis is treated, cell functions are restored and we can be free from intestinal tract diseases and skin diseases.


Rhinitis! Do not treat the inside of the nose.


The cause of rhinitis is the immune system of the intestinal tract not the inside of the nose.


Powerful lactobacilli accelerate the generation of the IgA antibody in the intestines. I also suffered from ceaseless sneezing and running nose. I was completely restored after taking Lactobacillus Plantarum K-1, the lactobacilli from Kimchi. Lactobacilli regulate the immune system of our intestinal tract and heal allergic diseases including rhinitis and itching at once.


Rhinitis and allergy are caused by the excessive formation and quantities of the antibody IgE in the immune system if the intestinal tract becomes unbalanced. There is no exposure to various kinds of infections from when we are young because the environment is hygienically improved as compared to the past. However, exposure to heavy metals due to pollution or pesticides has been increasing and the ratio of patients complaining of allergic symptoms including atopy and rhinitis has also been increasing.

Rhinitis, allergy and atopy symptoms are caused by extreme immune reaction. The IgE type antibody is related to about 70 to 80% of allergy symptoms. The IgE antibody was originally for preventing parasites and is the immunological allergic reaction generated against non-infective foreign substances (including pollen, dust), accompanied by inflammation


For patients with allergic symptoms including itching and rhinitis, the Tred cell producing TGF-beta withers and finally reduces the generation of IgA. This has now been verified through clinical tests.

It is widely known that the powerful lactobacilli, LK-1(Lactobacillus Plantarum K-1) of Bio Rhythm, keeps intestines healthy by normalizing the microflora distorted for various reasons inside the intestines and stimulating the balance of antibodies in the immune system of the intestinal tract.

In other words, powerful lactobacilli help to inhibit infection of the intestines by stimulating immune reaction (IL-10 and TGF-b) against infectious microorganisms penetrating the intestines and producing IgA antibodies and anti-microbial substances. The results indicate that powerful live Kimchi lactobacilli can inhibit allergy and rhinitis.

For rhinitis, fundamental treatment is important. When we lose the balance of our immune system, allergy, atopy, itching or rhinitis occur.

We could manage such symptoms in the past since antibodies against antigens from nature including the soil, plant, air or water were built when we freely came in contact with nature. However, a number of scientists have found that allergy, atopy or itching were caused as the immune system, the most important controller in the intestines, lost its balance because we live in a fixed environment--in other words, civilized society--with less opportunity to be in contact with nature.


Good news for atopy and rhinitis. Successful treatment cases have been ongoing.

-See the following-

The dry skin of patients suffering from atopic dermatitis and rhinitis increases itching more than twice and makes skin vulnerable to infection.


Ceramides on the epidermis help skin to hold moisture. Those who suffer from atopic dermatitis have less ceramides in the skin than healthy people. Their skin lacks the enzyme for generating ceramide. This is because of abnormal ceramide synthesis and bacterial infection. The precursor of ceramide is made but not the ceramide itself.

The allergen is the causative substance causing allergy. It is accompanied by severe itching. Lactobacilli control macrophages killing pathogens penetrating from the outside. Macrophages prevent allergies by controlling T cell-generating antibodies and killing viruses or cancer cells.

 Lactobacilli were orally administered to children suffering from atopic dermatitis. The interferon gamma secretion was increased. This inhibited the secretion of cytokine increasing antibodies causing allergy. Interlukin-4 is also a kind of cytokine including the production of antibodies (IgE) causing allergies.

Accordingly, it is necessary to inhibit secretion of interlukin-4 to eliminate allergies. The secretion of interlukin-4 was inhibited by powerful lactobacilli. (Source: Lactobacilli making fermented food saved me. Pyeonaem.The first impression of first edition printed on July 1, 2007.)

Lactobacillus Plantarum k-1 of Bio Rhythm, powerful Kimchi lactobacilli of Bio Rhythm coated in 3 steps, improves and treats diseases including allergic disease, atopic dermatitis, rhinitis and itching.

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-Summary -

L. plantarum K-1(LP), the lactobacillus inhibiting the activation of AP-1 and NF-ΚB, was separated from Kimchi and applied to mice to identify the inhibitory activity against itching and hypersensitivity of the skin. LP significantly activated NF-κB and c-jun, the transcription factors, in the RBL-2H3 cell (rat basophilic leukemia) stimulated by phorbol 12'-myristate 13'-acetate (PMA) and inhibited the expression of TNF-α and IL-4. Furthermore, LP demonstrated strong inhibition effects against positive hypersensitivity of the skin induced in mice by IgE-antigen. When LP was administered to mice, 1x1010 per mouse, the hypersensitivity of the mice was inhibited by up to 87.5%. When LP was administered to mice, 1×1010 CFU per mouse, itching induced by histamine was inhibited by up to 58.9%. LP substantially inhibited osmosis into the blood caused by histamines. The effect was directly proportionate to the effect inhibiting itching. LP ( 1×1010 CFU) inhibited the expression of IL-4, IL-1β and TNF-α caused by histamines by 88.9%, 88.6% and 98.9%, respectively. LP inhibited IgE induced by histamines by 85.3%. As a result, LP demonstrated anti-allergic effects by controlling the expression of the IgE-switching cytokine IL-4, proinflammatory cytokines IL- 1β and TNF-α by inhibiting the activation of NF κB and AP-1, the transcription factors in the immune cells, and treated diseases including allergic diseases, atopic dermatitis, rhinitis and itching.

Lactobacillus Plantarum k-1 of Bio Rhythm is a remarkable product winning the Commissioner’s Prize of the Korean Intellectual Property Office in the Korea Invention Patent Exhibition, and the Technology Innovation Prize from the Small and Medium Enterprise Innovation Association of Korea.

Its remarkable function is noticeable 2 weeks at the latest after taking it when treatment starts.

High-tech bioengineering has been significantly advanced up to now. The following are quoted from recently published international journals.


Modern science caught it through the joint research.

Do not treat the inside of the nose.

Completely treat rhinitis and skin diseases by activating the immune system of the intestinal tract and restoring the balance of antibodies inside the nasal cavity.