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Vaginitis: Itching in the genitals of a middle school girl. For the past few days, the area marked in the picture has been itching so much that it stings when I scratch it. The discharge comes out in huge, white, lumpy lumps.

(Question photo)

If you refer to the contents, it will be a great help in treating vaginitis and preventing vaginitis from happening again.

Everyone knows that if vaginitis persists, it is harmful to your health.

Vaginitis symptoms often worsen before and after menstruation or after intercourse.

If this is overlooked, vaginitis can cause complications.

It is reported that it is related to increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, increased pelvic inflammatory disease after miscarriage, increased infection after surgery such as hysterectomy,

and abnormal signs in cervical cytology tests.

If anyone has too much stress in their life, has a Western-style diet, or is frequently lacking sleep, their immune system is weakened, so inflammatory diseases caused by bacteria appear on their skin.

Various inflammatory diseases also attack the human body in the intestines.

One of them is inflammation-like diseases in each intestine. In women, inflammation caused by bacteria in the uterus and vagina occurs, and the human body is protected from antigens. You will be attacked

Symptoms of vaginitis include white discharge, itching inside the vagina, and in most cases, symptoms that are painful from the back to the bottom.

In addition, if the symptoms worsen, it can spread to cystitis, so taking highly vigorous lactic acid bacteria is the best

And it treats it cleanly

That is the ability of cutting-edge biotechnology research results

Anyone can always maintain a healthy and strong body.

In particular, highly vigorous beneficial bacteria are important for women’s health.

Lactic acid bacteria derived from plants, which are powerfully vigorous in the intestines of the human body, have an excellent effect in eliminating factors that cause inflammation in each tissue of the human body by promoting the production of IgA immune antibodies in the intestines.


(The intestinal immune system is built and severe dermatitis is cured by consuming highly vigorous probiotics)

More importantly, the more powerful probiotics there are in the intestines, vagina, and uterus,

the better it is for women to maintain their health.

Some people may wonder if probiotics are also medicine, or if probiotic products are bacteria,

so probiotics may not be good for health,

but that is not the case at all.

Think of the probiotics in aged kimchi and yogurt.

We have been eating them consistently, but they have not caused any harm, although they may be helpful to our health.

The acidity of our women’s vagina is acidic, with a pH of less than 7.

This is because probiotics release organic acids in the vagina.

Lactic acid bacteria are alive and maintain the proper acidity of the vagina, which is good for the health of women, so they maintain health

and they can also eliminate harmful bacteria, so they maintain health.

If there are no lively and vigorous lactic acid bacteria, which are beneficial bacteria, inflammation will occur.

In particular, the more lactic acid bacteria women consume, the better it is for their health.

Ultimately, if there are many lactic acid bacteria that actively induce homeostasis, they can also excellently cure malignant constipation, enteritis, vaginitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, etc.

As shown in the special health TV program, even newborn babies are born showered with beneficial bacteria through their mother’s healthy vagina, so they can maintain their health as newborns.

Experts in the field of health-related biotechnology unanimously agree that the longer stool stays in the small and large intestines, the more it adversely affects health and provides a cause for exposure to diseases, and that smooth bowel movements are important.

The longer stool, which is a product of the breakdown of food, stays in our intestines, the more it is like living with poisonous gas in our intestines.

From now on, it seems that a fundamental change in the intestinal environment is necessary.

When we were born, there were many beneficial bacteria in the intestines, but the intestinal environment has changed rapidly due to various foods from nature. First, we need to change the intestinal environment to that of a young baby, that is, an intestinal environment with many beneficial bacteria. Then, it will be solved as if it were a lie.

Most functional foods or medicines cause constipation to stop diarrhea or administer laxatives to solve constipation.

The powerful lactic acid bacteria can solve diarrhea, constipation, skin troubles, and malignant inflammation in the human body all at once. The greatest gift from God is an intestinal environment full of beneficial bacteria.

However, as a result of bad eating habits, bad appetite, and bad stress, the intestinal environment has been polluted, and as a result, our health is attacked by super bacteria, harmful bacteria, viruses, pollution, and stress.

Therefore, it is urgent to restore the intestines, which are the main central factory of our body’s operation, to an intestinal environment full of beneficial bacteria.

Coated kimchi lactic acid bacteria that survive through stomach acid and reach the intestines. Live lactic acid bacteria extracted from kimchi can solve this problem. Enteritis, gastritis, and colitis caused by harmful bacteria are helplessly defeated by powerful beneficial bacteria.

The beneficial bacteria release an immune substance called bacteriocin into the intestines, and in the small intestine, they eliminate harmful bacteria that cause inflammation throughout the body through lymphatic vessels and capillaries, and coat the entire body with immune substances.

When the intestinal environment is restored to be full of live beneficial bacteria in the human intestines, enteritis, diarrhea, constipation, and skin troubles are also solved.

When tens of billions of live lactic acid bacteria extracted from kimchi are consumed at once, the useful physiologically active substances and powerful immune substances called bacteriocin are produced at the same time as the live lactic acid bacteria extracted from kimchi proliferate in the intestines of our body, taking responsibility for the health of the entire body through capillaries.


​(Actual appearance of various allergic or inflammatory skin diseases being cured by properly consuming lactic acid bacteria made with science and technology)

Using advanced biomedical science and technology, kimchi lactic acid bacteria that are precisely microencapsulated and coated in powder itself promotes the secretion of a large amount of digestive enzymes.

The more powerful beneficial bacteria there are in the intestines, the more likely it is to resolve pelvic inflammatory disease, cystitis, vaginitis, enteritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, diarrhea, or constipation. Intestinal abnormalities, diarrhea, or constipation can all be resolved at once by consuming live lactic acid bacteria extracted from biological rhythms and aged fresh kimchi, that is, powerful beneficial bacteria.

Since many people have been cured of various intestinal diseases and gynecological diseases, you too can now maintain a healthy life and clear skin. Because science is fair

(Source: Arch Pharm Res Vol 34, No 12, 2117-2123, 2011, DOI 10.1007/s12272-011-1215-8, 2117

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